5 best resolutions for the year 2022!

Published on 31.12.2021 13:58

More time for sex

We spend far too much time doing other things like Netflix and the like or cleaning the flat. Exactly, far too much. Why not just invest time in nicer things? Why not invest more time in sex, which gets far too little attention in today's everyday life anyway. Yet it is the most beautiful secondary thing in the world and should be much higher up on our list of priorities. You shouldn't necessarily plan sex, but you can still give it a try and have a so-called fixed sex date every week.

Use sex toys

Most women reach orgasm much faster with their use than without them, that has been proven. Only 20<x id=" come through pure penetration and therefore the use of these little marvels is very welcome in Swiss beds. They also spread pleasure, fun and surprise and provide a few "good vibrations with an extra portion of stimulation". This adds variety to your sex life. That's why we believe that sex toys are simply part of hot lovemaking <p><strong>Please masturbate more</strong></p> <p>Masturbation, the orgasm guarantor for women and men, the anti-stress remedy for everyone. If you don't come during intercourse, you can do it here. It also promotes relaxation and ensures a restful sleep. You should really do this more often. It's the best way to get to know and love yourself.</p> <p><strong>Always change position</strong></p> <p>The three favourite positions of the Swiss are the missionary position, the good old riding position and the doggy style. In principle, there's nothing to say against simply sticking to what you love and what your partner likes. But why not change the plan and be ready for something different? A little change of plan, a little variety in your lovemaking can never hurt. Maybe you'll like it and want more.</p> <p><strong>Stock up</strong></p> <p>Investing in your love life is always a good idea and money well spent. You spend so much money on useless stuff every year, why not invest money in a comfortable mattress, hot, sexy lingerie or other love toys? <p></p> <p><strong>What you should also try for 2022:</strong></p> <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-wp-embed is-provider-myladies-blog wp-block-embed-myladies-blog"><div class="wp-block-embedwrapper"> <blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="ywyi8Ish77"><a href="https://my-ladies.ch/blog/artikel/suesser-die-glocken-nie-klingen-der-tittenfick"/">Süsser die Glocken nie klingen - der Tittenfick

<a href="https://my-ladies.ch/blog/artikel/analsex-15-dinge-die-du-wissen-solltest"/">Anal Sex - 15 Things You Should Know</a></blockquote><iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" title=""Anal Sex - 15 Things You Should Know" - myLadies - Blog" src="https://blog.my-ladies.ch/2021/12/20/analsex-15-things-you-should-know/embed/#?secret=6od9Gj0PJz" data-secret="6od9Gj0PJz" width="500" height="282" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> </div></figure> <p></p> <p><strong>If you want to put what you've learnt directly into practice and try it out, to see how it goes down with the ladies, then take a look at some of our categories. You can find them here:</strong></p> <div class="wp-container-1 wp-block-buttons"> <div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-buttonlink" href="https://my-ladies.ch/sex/schweiz/ladies?s=&detail_search=1&services" />5B0<x id="5D=10&ageRange=18;50&sfAgeFrom=&sfAgeTo=&sfBraNaturalType=-1&sfSkinColor=">Analsex</a></div> <div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-buttonlink" href="https://my-ladies.ch/sex/schweiz/ladies?s=&detail_search=1&services" />5B0<x id="5D=11&ageRange=18;50&sfAgeFrom=&sfAgeTo=&sfBraNaturalType=-1&sfSkinColor=">Spanish - Titty Fuck</a></div> <div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-buttonlink" href="https://my-ladies.ch/sex/schweiz/ladies?s=&detail_search=1&services" />5B0%5D=12&ageRange=18;50&sfAgeFrom=&sfAgeTo=&sfBraNaturalType=-1&sfSkinColor=">Girlfriendsex

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