SPERMA - calorie bomb or real power food?

Published on 28.01.2022 17:35

In this article, we'll tell you a little about your milk juice, what's in it and which ingredients you should know about.

Especially now in January, when everyone is running to the gym again, the New Year's resolutions are still fresh, you're motivated and start counting your daily calories, so many things pop into your head. You think about many things, but not about your sperm. That's why myLadies has taken on this topic for you and is taking a closer look at your bodily fluids. What calories do you have to reckon with here?

So what's in this lactic fluid and how many calories does a teaspoon of it contain? We didn't run straight to the nearest doctor for this answer, but we did find out anyway. Your sperm is 95 per cent water, so it contains less than 10 calories per teaspoon. This means that although it has 5 times as many calories as a TickTack, it is still much less than other liquids. So we can reassure you that sperm does not make you fat and is therefore not a diet killer.

But what's in your cream? What we do know is that your sperm contains numerous minerals. Here, for example, is the prostate secretion, which makes up about 1/5 of your semen and contains potassium, magnesium, citrate, zinc and calcium, as well as fructose, which the seminal vesicles feed on. Here are a few more facts: Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties, potassium is good for the cardiovascular system, magnesium is effective against cramps and calcium supports bone formation. In other words, a real mineral bomb.

In addition to the minerals, there are other important facts you should know. Here is a small list of ingredients for you:

Pheromones - the attractant: These are fragrances. For some men it smells more neutral, for others more chlorine-like. That's why opinions differ here too. Many find the smell of sperm rather off-putting, for others it has a more attractive effect and they want more of it.

Adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine: These three happiness hormones are even used in medicine. Here they are used to combat depression or anxiety.

Oxytocin: Also known as the cuddle hormone. This is produced after sex by "cuddling" a lot, as the name suggests. Convinced singles or people who are in a kind of friendship plus relationship should therefore refrain from cuddling. Unless you want to allow feelings. A certain amount of this hormone can also be found in your sperm and has an antidepressant effect.

OUR CONCLUSION: No matter how you look at it, sperm definitely doesn't contribute to you getting fat and your good intentions going down the drain. You're even swallowing low-carb here!

Would you like to find out more about your golden juice and what else you can use it for? Then take a look at these articles:

<a href="https://my-ladies.ch/blog/artikel/sperma-die-lauscher-auf-wozu-die-creme-de-la-creme-gut-ist"/">Sperma die Lauscher auf - wozu-die Crème de la Crème gut ist</a></blockquote><iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" title=""Sperma die Lauscher auf - wozu die Crème de la Crème gut ist" - myLadies - Blog" src="https://blog.my-ladies.ch/2020/03/30/sperma-die-lauscher-auf-wozu-die-creme-de-la-creme-gut-ist/embed/#?secret=fhtsFiK0We" data-secret="fhtsFiK0We" width="500" height="282" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> </div></figure> <p>If you are less interested in this article and would rather find a hot teen, a mature MILF or a tranny in your neighbourhood or in the whole of Switzerland who you can squirt your sperm into her mouth or over her face. Then take a look at the following links:</p> <div class="wp-container-1 wp-block-buttons"> <div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-buttonlink" href="https://my-ladies.ch/sex/schweiz/teenies-c?s=&detail_search=1&services%5B0%5D=6&ageRange=18;50&sfAgeFrom=&sfAgeTo=&sfBraNaturalType=-1&sfSkinColor=">Teenieswho swallow sperm

Tip: For more search results, use the myLadies filter function. This will help you find your sex date even better.

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