Secret Sex Fantasies Part 1

Published on 08.06.2020 19:16

A man is considered to be particularly good in bed if he fulfils the secret sexual desires of his loved ones. Here at myLadies, we present the hottest sex fantasies of women and men and how you can make them come true.

Good sex is the sum of love and passion, of control and loss. It requires the courage to let go, to surrender and to fulfil each other's desires. What do women expect from men in bed?

We asked our myLadies community about their wishes and fantasies and here's what they had to say:

The dream of many men and women. MMF or FFM. Some are simply lucky and find a partner who would like to try out such a fantasy. But how do you find such a person?
It's important that you express yourself and talk freely about your fantasies with your partner. Be open and honest with each other. Express your fantasies freely. However, please note that the previous conversation is not a free pass for you to dash off to the nearest village pub to pick up the next best lady. Planning is everything here. It's like BDSM. There are few fantasies where the run-up is as long and the preparation as important as with a threesome. She can't just bring her best friend along. That's where the friendship ends. Even if you do, if you moan too loudly, that would be the end of the relationship. So don't do it. You need a sex friend for such adventures.

The best method is if she expresses her desire and is willing to put it into practice, then keep her eyes open for a third person. An attractive and tolerant person from an extended circle of acquaintances would be good. Ideally, this person should also be experienced. Here too, we recommend that you first meet in a neutral place to see if you can imagine it together and like each other. It's important to leave it to the women themselves to approach you first. Don't create any pressure and behave like a gentleman. Don't try to persuade them. Your conversation should then be about the concrete realisation. What do you want and what don't you want, where are your limits and what are your previous experiences. If everything fits, you can arrange to have sex. Choose a nice place for you. A place where you feel safe and comfortable. This can also be your home or a hotel.
The person who is the most confident should start. Proceed with caution. If you are shy, start kissing slowly. Try to let go of your inhibitions. You'll see that it's different and you'll feel a different kind of tingling sensation. Especially when it comes to undressing.

A third of all men and women would like to feel something other than your finger or your penis. They long for variety. Maybe a dildo or a vibrator. So why not bring a second helper into play? Don't see it as competition, just as a vanguard. The choice these days is very extensive. There are toys for everyone's preferences. Just go to a shop together or find out about them on the internet. If you go shopping alone, you'll usually end up with a huge rubber cock with wild nubs. So please go as a couple. She knows best what she likes, what is good for her and how something feels for her. It's usually something slim, elegant or smooth. The best thing to do first is to get to grips with your new acquisition on your own and coordinate with each other. Maybe you've already got to the point where you can watch each other do it and then just join in later.

Women love these toys

Ever since Christian Grey put his Anastasia Steele over his knee in "50 Shades of Grey" and punished her for her immoral behaviour, women claim to have taken a liking to these power games. And the trend is rising. If you have decided to play this kind of game, then "she" is the boss. Clarify the rules and establish in a conversation what she wants and what she doesn't want. Discuss the gaits and be open with each other. Discuss what you do, how you touch each other and how far you want to go. And use a safeword to end it immediately. So gagging is out for now. Please never forget that he is just the servant who puts her fantasy into practice.

Here you can find all articles on the subject of FESSEL PLAY

<a class="wp-block-buttonlink" href=""/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">FESSEL PLAY PART 1</a></div> <div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-buttonlink" href=""/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">FETCHELSPIELE TEIL 2

Bondage is the gentle version of BDSM. Many women like the loss of control without hitting. Try it without rope and chain first. This also minimises the risk of injury from abrasions and bruises. This also applies to handcuffs. Start with fine silk scarves and decide beforehand in which positions you want to be tied up and in which not. This works best if you have a bed with bars. You can then tie each other up by the feet and hands if you wish. You should also think of a safeword for this method. Don't forget that even if the person you're tying up can't defend themselves at the moment, you can't do whatever you want with them. Try foreplay with ice cubes, feathers or your tongue. Many people want to be the prisoner. You can then loosen the restraints or swap roles for further play. There's nothing better than a little riding lesson.

Here you can find all articles about BDSM:

<a class="wp-block-buttonlink" href=""/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">TO THE MYLADIES BDSM LEXICON</a></div> <div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-buttonlink" href=""/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">BDSM - WHAT IS THIS
<a class="wp-block-buttonlink" href=""/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">BDSM PARTNER SEARCH</a></div> </div> <p><strong>SEX IN PUBLIC</strong><br>Sex in a changing room or on an aeroplane is one of the true classics among public fantasies and is still very popular. Many people are attracted to this kind of thrill. They want or need this kind of thrill. If you don't have any problems with sand in the crack of your arse, the cold or a charge of "causing a public nuisance", you can get it up anywhere, then try to comply with your partner's wishes and the applicable law. If that doesn't go with your head, you can finish your fun at home and climax there. If you have a fundamental problem with this, be open about it. It's better to talk about it beforehand and be honest than if you start and nothing happens. You always have to be clear in your head for sex, otherwise it won't work.</p> <p></p> <p><strong>Here you can find the 2nd part: Secret sex fantasies part 2</strong></p> <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-wp-embed is-provider-myladies-blog wp-block-embed-myladies-blog"><div class="wp-block-embedwrapper"> <blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="mFSokqdJTQ"><a href=""/">Secret Sex Fantasies Part 2 - The Erotic Head Cinema

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