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We also have the right sex dates for non-binary people!

Published on 10.06.2024 14:54

Gewinner des Eurovision Song Contest 2024 – Nemo aus der Schweiz / Quelle: WIKIMEDIA

Congratulations to the Swiss music talent "Nemo", who won the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Malmö and already came out as "non-binary" last year. With this breathtaking victory, Switzerland has finally won the world's biggest music competition again after 36 years. A feat last achieved by Céline Dion.

Nemo's music career began when he was 13 years old. Growing up in Biel, he took an early liking to music. He earned his first pocket money by playing the violin on the street. In the end, he won five Swiss Music Awards and various other honours. Although he now lives in Berlin, he still feels connected to Switzerland and his home town of Biel. As he says today, he moved to Berlin to find himself, to listen carefully to who he wants to be and how he wants to present himself. In November 2023, Nemo came out as "non-binary".

A term that many people are unfamiliar with and have rarely come into contact with. While terms such as "homosexual", "bi-sexual" or "pansexual" are already familiar, many people are only now coming across the term "non-binary" and are not yet familiar with its meaning. We at want to change that and enlighten you a little in this direction.

We asked ourselves the question, "What does it actually mean to be non-binary? And what does love and sex life look like for people who don't define themselves as men or women?" In this blog article, we will address these questions and look at how suitable sex dates can also be found for non-binary people.

What does "non-binary" mean?

Being non-binary means not identifying exclusively as a man or a woman. It goes beyond traditional gender categories and encompasses a wide and diverse range of gender identities. Someone who identifies as non-binary may feel neither male nor female, but rather moves between genders or outside of binary gender roles.

What do the love and sex lives of non-binary people look like?

The love and sex lives of non-binary people can be just as varied as those of people who identify as men or women. Each person has different preferences and needs when it comes to intimacy and sexual relationships. It is important to respect and recognise the individual wishes, boundaries and preferences of each non-binary person.

How does the search for suitable sex dates work?

It can sometimes be challenging for non-binary people to find suitable sex dates, as not everyone is familiar with the different gender identities. However, there are numerous online adult platforms and sex communities that are designed to provide a safe and supportive environment for all gender identities. There, non-binary people can meet like-minded people and find potential sex partners who understand and respect their individual needs and preferences.

Sieger Eurovision Song Contest 2024 ESC / Quelle: WIKIMEDIA

As part of one of our recent interviews and sex work campaign, we also interviewed Mia May on the topic of non-binary. She also watched the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 and celebrated Nemo's victory for Switzerland. We wanted to know from her whether she has ever had a sex date with a non-binary person and if so, what her experience was and how she thinks you should deal with the person on a non-binary sex date?

Mia: "When looking for suitable sex dates for non-binary people, it's crucial to be open and respectful of the other person's wishes and boundaries."

She believes that it is very important to communicate openly, address needs and set boundaries.

Mia: "People are the centre of attention and every person is unique. You always have to be aware of that. Non-binary people are no different to others in terms of their wishes and needs. Treating each other with respect is always crucial and sexual desires are, as always, individual in nature."

Our conclusion:

We also believe that non-binary people have just as much right to a fulfilling and respectful love and sex life as anyone else. Everyone is unique and has their own needs and preferences. It is important that we as a society are open to diversity and individual gender identities and that we support and accept non-binary people. By treating each other with respect, we can ensure that the right sex dates can be found for non-binary people and that fulfilling intimacy can be experienced.

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