Visitable or escort - this is how you secure yourself!

Published on 20.03.2020 16:58

Earning between 300 and 3,000 francs in a few hours sounds like a great deal. A bit of flirting, meeting rich and interesting men, Michelin-starred restaurants, luxury hotels. All spiced up with a good dose of eroticism. But is everything really so easy with escort services or when women receive men for money?

If you offer your services alone in a flat, if possible someone should always know the location, time and duration of your appointment. Network with your colleagues who are currently working at a different location and inform each other about your customer appointments and the associated addresses. Agree that you will contact each other before and after each appointment. Always try to make your customer believe that you are not working alone when they come to see you.

Self-protection comes first!

If you have an appointment away from home, make sure you are alone. As mentioned above, always make sure that someone knows where you are. Detailed information would be: the name of the hotel, room number, telephone number / for house calls, place, street, house number, the name on the doorbell and other contact details. It may not be in the customer's interest for you to pass on their telephone number to your colleague(s) without being asked, but this is ultimately for your own safety. Of course, we assume that reputable service providers will not misuse such information later.

Any sensible client will also understand if you write a short message or phone at the beginning and end of your appointment to let them know that everything is in order. If your first personal assessment does not give you a good feeling, cancel directly and leave your location with determination. Escort enquiries from new customers with a suppressed telephone number should be ruled out from the outset for your own protection. You will also only find out dodgy address details, such as the exact house number, when you are there. This should set alarm bells ringing in advance. Try to develop a gut feeling when selecting your customers and visits. A certain knowledge of human nature never hurts in this type of industry.

Always discuss specifically with your customer what services they want. Don't get involved in price negotiations and make it clear to the caller that you will check their address details and telephone number before their visit. How well you can communicate in advance is also important. In the worst-case scenario, misunderstandings can lead to dissatisfaction and problems on site later on. All of this should be avoided from the outset.

You should also keep a watchful eye in advance to make sure that there isn't a small camera hidden somewhere in the area that is secretly filming you making love. Without your express permission, you certainly don't want to find yourself later on the World Wide Web as the main actor in a porn clip.
When you are out and about, regularly pay your earnings into your bank account. It would be very unwise for you to have too much cash with you or to keep it in your rented flat.

The tone makes the music

If you come across as rude or very assertive from the very first enquiry, you should cross them off the list straight away. In the case of text messages, WhatsApp or email enquiries, always insist on a personal conversation before the visit begins. The money agreed for your services should be handed over to you right at the start. Count it in the presence of the customer and then stow it safely in your pocket. Please make sure that you always have all your belongings within reach and in view. Also check the conditions so that you can get to safety as quickly as possible in the event of an emergency.

A certain amount of scepticism is not only appropriate, but also necessary when it comes to the food and drinks offered to you. We don't want to accuse anyone of having bad intentions from the outset, but the use of narcotics, drugs, alcohol, etc. to make people compliant has happened before.

The guest is visiting you?

In the best case scenario, your flat will have a camera that covers the outside area and at least the front door. However, a peephole in the front door should be part of the minimum equipment. Do not keep your valuables where you socialise with the guest. Never leave the money you have received in advance in the study. An emergency call button in the room (already compulsory in Germany) - even if you only have a dummy - can work wonders.

If you work alone, please don't forget to inform your colleagues of your current work address, your visitor and the agreed service time and then report back. Take your mobile phone into the workroom, but out of consideration for your guest, ensure that you keep the ring volume to a minimum. If the guest is too rude or insulting during your time - even if unintentionally - make it clear to them immediately, politely but clearly, that they should refrain from this behaviour. The ideal situation is for you to retain full control at all times without your customer being neglected.

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